Thursday, May 10, 2012

Damn you weather man...Damn you!

We have been in an amazing stretch of good weather lately.  So much so, that I have actually been able to ride without a hat, arm warmers, knee warmers, etc. multiple times.  This rarely happens until June or July (for me).

Since I commute to and from work (Tuesday's and Thursday's).  I have to plan for the cool/cold mornings, and the warmish afternoons.  For instance, I could wear my thermal long sleeve jersey in the mornings and be plenty warm, but then die of heat exhaustion on the way home.  I only wear that jersey if it is in the 40's F, maybe I will try it on a short ride in the 50's to see how it feels.  However, I bet it will be too warm.

Normally I wear my light weight short sleeve jersey, and thermal hat (under my helmet of course), a base layer shirt, bib shorts, and arm and knee warmers.  This typically works for temps above 42 F, and then I do not wear the arm and leg warmers for the commute home if it is in the 50's F and sunny.

Today I awoke, watched a little ESPN, then flipped on the "local" news.  I live in Buckley, Wa., and the news is broadcast from Seattle, Wa.  In a straight line you are only talking about 30  miles, so there should not be much difference....WRONG!  The major influence for Seattle is Puget Sound.  In the winter the Sound makes Seattle a bit warmer, and in the summer a bit cooler compared to my town.

While watching the weather, I noticed 41 F...I thought how delightful and prepared accordingly.  "Think McFly Think."  How stupid was that move?  Let me just tell you...In a list, because they are so fun!

1 - Actual temperature in Buckley and entire way to work hovered near 33 F.
2 - I was wearing the clothing described above...Not good for near freezing weather.
3 - Wind chill at 33 F, going 20-22 mph, 21 F.
4 - My gloves were not made for that temperature.
5 - My toes were about frozen 10 minutes into the ride.
6 - My hands were frozen instantly.  I could barely use them to shift gears, nor could I manipulate my keys once at work.
7 - I was nearly hypothermic.
8 - I am sure I was hallucinating...While climbing the Old Soldier's Home hill, I think I saw Bigfoot sitting outside in a lawn chair roasting marsh mellows over an open fire.
9 - I had to fill my water bottle with near boiling water to sip on and place another similar bottle between my legs (clothed of course) to speed up the warming process
10 - Ten, Ten, Ten, Ten...I forgot what Ten was for.  Can you name that tune???
11 - Not sure if there were any kibbles and bits when I finished the ride...Watch Sienfeld - The Hampton's #5.20 (1994) for a good laugh!

So in short, I was a complete lumbering idiot, I totally did not use common sense, and I paid a price that will not be forgotten...until next year :)

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