Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Summer Fun...almost

Work is quickly coming to a close, and summer is about to begin.  Actually, in the Pacific Northwest summer does not really begin until July 5th...but really, who cares!  I look forward to summer because the rain finally ends, the temperatures climb, and I can ride for endless hours (Please do not share that with Bella...she has other ideas).

Summer Plan #1

Take a vacation - 1 -  Bella and I are going to the Columbia River Gorge shortly after school is out.  While there, we will visit all our favorite eateries and grape producers.  In order for me to experience life to the fullest (read as: eat as much as I can at every sitting) I will need to bring my bike.
Cascade Cliffs

Every trip down, rain or shine, I bring my bike.  Sometimes I bike past the local wineries, sometimes I bike up into the hills, and sometimes I just manage to find a never ending head wind while enjoying views the river.  It really does not matter, I just love biking down there and enjoying the beautiful views.
Mt Hood int the distance

Take a vacation - 2 -  Just after returning from the Gorge, Bella and I will fly out to the east coast to celebrate my grandfather's 90th birthday...Pretty amazing in my mind.  Of course I cannot visit the Appalachian Mountains without renting a bike (Please do NOT share with Bella).  The only reason I think we have mountains is for people like me to ride up them.
Dad, Aunt D, and the legend named Pop Pop

Summer Plan #2

Grilling and BBQing...Really what else is summer for???  I plan to have lots of friends (read as: all 4 of them) come out to my house for amazing beverages and my VERY special grilled Brats.  Please do not send hate mail, I am not talking about your children, my neighbors children, or any children for that matter, I am talking about Bratwursts.

Summer Plan #3

TEARs...I am not crying yet, but by the end of The Epic Annual Ride series I most likely will.  In addition to the TEARs rides, I plan on joining up with the Puyallup Cyclopaths for some of their rides.  These are some serious cyclists, most of their rides are LONG and involve multiple tough climbs. 

Shortly after looking at their ride list, I began having nightmares.  I would be on my bike, except I had training wheels and they would be half way up Chinook Pass asking what I was hoping to accomplish.  OK not really, but one member did Cayuse Pass repeats recently which resulted in 10,000 feet of climbing.  Yes, that is a lot.  Yes, it is borderline crazy.  Yes, I think their name is a play on words...psychopaths!
Chinook Pass elevation sign

Summer Plan #4

Spend time with the most amazing person I know...Bella.  She is truly the person behind the wind up toy.  Yes I am the wind up toy, and yes she often refers to me as such.  Without Bella's never ending support, I could not accomplish half of what I do.

Since this is a super secret blog, I know Bella with not know of the intricate details of Summer Plan #4, I can probably steer our path towards things we both enjoy.  This hopefully will rule out shopping.  I would rather have a spinal tap a day, than go shopping.  I would rather ride up a mountain with training wheels, than go shopping.  The more I think of it, there is not much I would not rather do instead of shopping.

Summer Plan #5

Try to find a way to relax.  I am not very good at it, I rarely enjoy it, and quite frankly it is a little boring.

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