Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekend in Review

This weekend I was lucky enough to try a new place for friends and fun.  I will not say the name (WB), but the crowd was great, I got to see good friends, and meet new people who were opening up similar types of places.  I also was able to enjoy the amazing weather and log a total of 76 miles...never a bad thing.

Saturday was interval training, and I have definitely settled into a good route to minimize (nearly eliminate) any form of stopping.  Another plus of the route is the minimal traffic, and thus a lowering of my fear of looking like a opossum on the side of the road.  Side note...How many live opossums have you ever seen?

While it appears this opossum is alive, I truly believe this picture is the work of someone skilled at Photoshop!  Notice the entire lack of shadow!!!  Then there is the fact that it is not moving (could be a stuffed animal)!!!  Also, there are no roads, cars or anything else typical of a opossum's environment!!!

Ahhhhh...That is more like it.  This is a typical opossum habitat...resting quietly on the side of a road.  You can tell this is a real opossum because it is slightly deformed and in its natural habitat. Based on my experience, I would say that opossum is at least 3-5 days old...Wonderful to see nature in all its glory.

Ok, back on task...I did see a few opossums on my Saturday training ride, and there were a couple of cars that must have thought I appeared similar in size, shape and color to a opossum.  Luckily the cars' drivers realized their error, and quickly shouted profanities at me while trying to run oncoming vehicles off the road. 

The intervals went great and I felt pretty strong and fast.  I again was able to do the Hwy 410 climb, and set a new PR...averaging 14.0 mph and taking 8:02 to get to the top.  I have to say that I was really proud of myself and sharing the accomplishment to any stranger who would listen.  When I looked the next day a person from a local bike team (Old Town Bicycle) crushed all my hopes and dreams.  This person was able to do the climb at 15.2 mph and a time of 7:24.  I guess this piece of humble pie is good...I will stay motivated and continue to work hard.

Sunday I was able to meet up with Scott and David, yes, the infamous David, to do a nice ride out to Enumclaw, up to Elk Heights in Buckley, and then back to Orting.  We also did a quick recon on the Mud Mt. Dam climb for the Mutual of Enumclaw RR.  The day was absolutely amazing, with barely a cloud in the sky and the temperature rising to 75.

David stopped in Buckley, while Scott and I continued back to Orting.  We were cruising around 24-25 mph when we saw one of the more fearful things to a seasoned "professional" cyclist...The dreaded "FRED".

What is a FRED???  FRED is what all cyclists have been at one time or another.  We all start as FREDs, and slowly through trial and error, gentle guidance from more experienced cyclists, and general well intentioned teasing progress to PRO.  Yes, PRO is nearly as bad as FRED...However, it is better to refer to yourself as "riding PRO" and "looking PRO", than to be a FRED.

The FRED encounter occurred as Scott and I were nearing Orting.  We noticed two guys riding on the trail...faster than safe in my opinion, but not blazing fast.  For your reference, I will not bike the trail at speeds over 18 mph.  I noticed the FREDs looking over their shoulder as they neared a break that allows road access.  I could see it instantly, and kept thinking "Please do not do it...Please....Please...have mercy...PLEASE!!!"  Yeah wishful thinking...

They immediately made the quick left, quick right to get on the road in front of us.  As I said above, we were going near 25 mph and they pulled out right in front of us.  I quickly looked behind us and pulled out and around the FREDs.  Knowing my awesome attempts, from my past life as a FRED, I knew they were going to try and take Scott's wheel.  We picked up the pace, got some distance, and finished the ride never to again see the FREDs.

Another great ride, another beautiful day, another fun outing.  Feel free to share your experiences with FREDs, the mythical opossum, or being PRO.  I plan on at least one blog about FREDs and being PRO in the near future, and would like to include your comments.

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